As an integral counterpart of the local community, Gazownia Serwis LLC treats the CSR policy with utmost care and diligence. Apart from its primary business activity, the company pays special attention to the interest of its employees, to the interest of its closest environment and the local authority. Widely understood public interest, care for the highest quality of products and services, high technological and ethical standards, and the protection of the natural environment are the focal points of the Company’s interest.
The Corporate Social Responsibility approach eliminates the short-sighted, profit-oriented attitude to the operation of the company, as well as its internal and external environment. Sustainable development is the ability to keep the right proportions between business activity, economic growth and social development in the Company’s direct environment. Such an approach provides a broader outlook on the company’s activity and creates an opportunity to maintain the development of future generations. Apart from economic aspects, the success and development of the Company is derived from the human capital – the employees, the local community, and from the consideration of the needs and requirements of our clients and cooperators.
For Gazownia Serwis LLC, CSR is a natural consequence of operation on the market and the method for ensuring that the company always fulfills its functions and its mission.